我們可以由微軟的官方資訊得知,如以下的 資訊:
部署Configuration Manager客戶端以Windows Embedded設備
如果您的Windows嵌入式設備不包括Configuration Manager客戶端,您可以使用任何的客戶端安裝方法,如果設備符合要求的依賴關係。如果嵌入式設備支持write filters,您必須在安裝客戶端之前關閉這些write filters,然後等到已經佈署好image到target device後再重新啟用write filters。
Configuration Manager supports managing the following types of
write filters:
- File-Based
Write Filter (FBWF) – (Configuration Manager SP1 and System Center 2012 R2
Configuration Manager only). For more information, see File-Based
Write Filter on
- Enhanced
Write Filter (EWF) RAM – (Configuration Manager SP1 and System Center 2012
R2 Configuration Manager only). For more information, seeEnhanced
Write Filter on
- Unified
Write Filter (UWF) – (System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager only).
For more information, see Unified
Write Filter on
Configuration Manager does not support write filter operations
when the Windows Embedded device is in EWF RAM Reg mode.
you select the applicable platforms for software deployments and
configuration items, these display the Windows Embedded families rather than
specific versions. Use the following list to map the specific version of
Windows Embedded to the options in the list box:
Embedded Operating
Systems based on Windows XP (32-bit) includes the following:
o Windows XP Embedded
o Windows Embedded for Point of Service
o Windows Embedded Standard 2009
o Windows Embedded POSReady 2009
Embedded operating
systems based on Windows 7 (32-bit) includes the following:
o Windows Embedded Standard 7 (32-bit)
o Windows Embedded POSReady 7 (32-bit)
o Windows ThinPC
Embedded operating
systems based on Windows 7 (64-bit) includes the following:
o Windows Embedded Standard 7 (64-bit)
o Windows Embedded POSReady 7 (64-bit)