2014年5月11日 星期日

How to Make Windows Automatically Login with a administrator Account?

Step 1 active an administrator account

1、按下[開始]按鈕 ,在程式集中找出[命令提示字元],按滑鼠右鍵,選擇[以系統管理員身分執行]

2、出現以系統管理員身分執行的[命令提示字元],輸入 net user administrator /active:yes 完成後按 Enter 鍵,此命令用來啟用 Administrator 帳戶

3、我們可以到[管理帳戶]中得知 Administrator 帳戶已啟用。

Step 2Make Windows Automatically Login with a administrator Account

1、  Click Start button and input run in the text search box, and then press OK.The following screen will come up.

2input control userpasswords2 in the run command window., and then pressOK.The following screen will come up.

3Uncheck the box that Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer, select the User Name(administrator) that will be automatically logged in, and then click Apply button.

4In the following dialog box, enter and confirm the password for the selected User Name, and then click OK button.

5Now the auto login for your selected account(Administrator) in Windows 7 is enabled. Restart your computer, then you can log on Windows 7 automatically without entering password.

